Welcome to the Eastern Body Therapy Blog!

Hello World,

I had a realization recently that I have not manged to publish a single newsletter in the last year. Each newsletter I’ve produced has required time to research articles, time to write articles, then ENDLESS time to format pages, choose images, edit, etc. Between practicing acupuncture, doing everything else required to run an acupuncture business (think insurance billing, book keeping, cleaning the office, record keeping, and all the other dull stuff which goes on behind the scenes), AND keeping up with my outside of work roles including long distance cyclist, wife to the wonderful man who supports me and all of my attempts at becoming technologically up to date, artist, and gourmet chef extraordinaire, I simply don’t have the time to keep on producing the newsletter. Creating rambling run-on sentences like that last one seems much more manageable.

BUT, I still want to bring you, my awesome readers and patients, high quality information about a variety of health, nutrition, fitness, etc. My answer….a BLOG!!

Now, I can write one article at a time instead of four. The formatting is conveniently done by WordPress. I can add pictures. You can make comments. I can respond to your comments. So can other readers. How cool!!! Instead of a once a quarter data dump, we can together create a community where we can share info about all kinds of subjects relating to healthier living.

Sounds simple, right??? Well, this is my first post, written at the end of a day taken off from the office to recover from a weekend of bicycle riding insanity, while making lentil soup for dinner. It seems fairly lucid so far, so I’m  hopeful that I can pull this off. Guess we’ll just have to see how it goes 🙂


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