Menopause Without Meds: What you Need to Know to Get Through “the Change” Without Going Up in Flames  

Tuesday, May 4, 2021
from 6-7pm

Balboa Park Holistic Wellness Center
2310 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101

Nearly 80% of woman of a certain age have been there – that moment, sitting with an important client, and suddenly her face goes brilliant red and she’s dripping with sweat. She pretends nothing is happening while she is quietly burning up, continues the conversation hoping nobody will notice her pounding heart, prolonging the moment when she’ll need to stand up and shake a hand with her sweaty one. Then, 5 minutes later it’s over. Until the next time. The dreaded hot flash in all its glory.

Other common symptoms of menopause include:

  • Loosening of the pelvic muscles
  • Vaginal dryness and tissue changes
  • Palpitations or rapid heart rate
  • Dry skin with less elasticity leading to wrinkles
  • Weight gain
  • Mood changes

And it’s NOT limited to older women. Breast and gynecological cancer patients who are receiving hormone therapies experience all the same symptoms without the benefit of the gradual onset which happens with natural menopause.

The only FDA approved treatment for menopause symptoms is hormone replacement (HRT). But HRT carries an increased risk of cancers which depend on estrogen to grow – like breast and endometrial cancers. And while HRT can relieve symptoms, it doesn’t really help with other issues like increased heart attack risk and loss of bone density which are common in mature women. And it isn’t even an option for women who have had hormone related cancers or have a family history of these cancers.

The good news is that we’ve got ALL NATURAL and HORMONE-FREE solutions which reduce symptoms and make life easier for women going through the change. Menopause does NOT have to be miserable!

In this ground-breaking talk, Lisa Nicholson, licensed acupuncturist and owner of Balboa Park Holistic Wellness Clinic will share our whole process so you can go home and TAKE ACTION towards going through the change without going up in flames. You’ll learn:

  • One daily habit which will dramatically decrease hot flash intensity and frequency (and it’s NOT what you think!)
  • One simple diet hack to help you maintain your weight WITHOUT deprivation or starvation
  • What to do when a hot flash comes on so you get relief FAST
  • A product we LOVE to improve skin tone without hormones or chemicals
  • And so much more…

This talk is for any woman who wants to take control of her symptoms and get on with living a full and healthy life through “the change” and beyond. If you’re in or nearing that time of life, you won’t want to miss this!

Space is limited and our events typically do sell out. Please do NOT reserve a seat if you don’t plan to attend.

Register by following the Eventbrite link below:



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